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Secrets to Training Older Dogs

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A lot has been said and quoted about not being able to teach old dogs new tricks, but in reality, it's not necessarily impossible.
While tougher than training a pliable, eager to please puppy, an older dog is just as capable of learning new commands as any other dog.

Consider the human mind. How much easier is it for us to learn when we are just children? Six year olds can be fluent in multiple languages, but if you or I tried to sit down and learn French right now it would take years to master it.

The same is true for dogs. The brain gets set in its ways and it takes quite a bit of extra effort to learn something new when you're that much older. But, it's not impossible - not by a long shot.

In fact, there are some reasons that training an older dog might even be a bit easier. To start with, they're calmer. They have less energy and a longer attention span. Plus, they likely already know the meaning of the word "no" and how to tell when you're upset.

Ideally, they should also understand that you are the pack leader and that they should accept your leadership up front.

Training Your Older Dog

So, with all that in mind, there are some situations in which you may need to test your patience and the attention span of your older dog and get them to learn new behaviours or even tricks. 
   * House Training - The only time you may need to house train an older dog is if you bring home a rescue or adopted dog that has never been in a home before. In this case, you get the benefit of a larger bladder and calmer dog.

However, with a new location, strange people and food change, it will take some time to teach your new dog exactly what they need to know. You'll need to take your dog out frequently at first, making sure you praise them when they go outside.

Dog Aggression

   * Crate Training - Older dogs can be harder to train in a crate because of associations they may have with small spaces. Get your crate and put it in a quiet space where there is less foot traffic.

Then, cover it partially with a towel or cover and then give him some toys and something to sleep on. Now, leave the door open and let your dog discover it. Many times, a dog will figure out that it is a bed and start using it immediately, crate training themselves.

Even if they do not, however, you can help them adjust by giving them extra attention while in the crate.

   * Obedience Training - If your dog needs basic obedience training, you may want to consider a class to help you get it done. You'll need to use a basic reward based system (I don't recommend chokers or training collars).

You'll need to isolate a behaviour in your dog, such as sitting, laying down, or speaking, and then reward it whenever you give a command. If you use a clicker, you can reduce the treats you use and have the clicker substitute for the command and reward sequence.

Training an older dog may seem like a trying experience, but in reality it is no harder than training a puppy, just different. While puppies are easy to control and small, they are also less patient and more easily distracted.

A larger, older dog will listen more attentively and will generally want to please you. Tap into that and be patient with them and you'll find them as easy to train as any other dog you've ever dealt with.

One way to make older dogs live longer and more healthily is to give him or her the right foods that are best for them.

rawr dog food

Here is a website that contains some of the best dog food recipes that I've ever seen:

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 Secrets to Training Older Dogs | How to Train Older Dogs:

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    When it comes to having a dog, one of the hardest things you will ever do is deal with a dog as it ages. The threat of a dog becoming ill and possibly dying can be hard for many people to handle - especially after so many years spend together.
  2. Behaviour Changes in Senior Dogs
    Sometimes it is easy to forget that dog’s age and the energy they had as pups will not be the same ten years to come. Knowing what changes to expect will make the transition for you and your dog easier.
  3. Why Dogs Scratch
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  4. Tips to Train an Older Dog
    If you're looking for some good dog training tips, it's a good idea to first know where to start. Understand what your dog actually needs from you in a training situation and then learn how to give it to them.
  5. Aging and the Mature Dog
    Aging is part of life, it can be slowed down but you can never completely avoid it. Thus no matter how much you want your loyal companion to stay young they are bound to grow old and this comes with some changes.
  6. Housetraining Older Dogs | How to House Train Older Dogs
    Some basics you ought to keep in mind when housetraining older dog are stated in this article.
  7. Arthritis in Dogs
    On basis of cause arthritis, may result from degenerative processes thus degenerative arthritis. The cause may also immune mediated where antibodies are formed against connective tissue. In this type of arthritis there is destruction of joint surfaces.
  8. Senility & Cognitive Dysfunction in Dogs
    When a dog gets older it may start showing signs of senility and cognitive dysfunction. This may become a sad time for owners and a confusing one for the dog.
  9. Veterinary Care for Senior Dogs
    As your dog ages he will go through changes and it is important to have the special care that is needed to make your pets later years comfortable and long lasting.
  10. Old Dog Care And Comfort
    As your dog gets older you will start seeing a slow down on his actions. The excitable puppy that once was becomes a more relaxed and that is to be expected after all it is not the young and agile dog of years past.
  11. Monitoring For Signs Of Aging In Dogs
    Our dear companions have a much shorter life span than most of us. The larger breeds fare especially poorly, living an average of only about ten to twelve years.
  12. How to Handle a Timid Older Dog
    Many people who own a timid dog will not see that as a behavior issue, but rather as a personality trait. Though it could be a part of a dog’s personality, if not dealt with a timid dog can become aggressive.
  13. Expected Changes In Normal Aging Dogs
    Dogs have become man’s best friend literally. There was a time when people did not think about a dog growing old but a lot has changed.
  14. Common Diseases of Senior Dogs
    On basis of cause arthritis, may result from degenerative processes thus degenerative arthritis. The cause may also immune mediated where antibodies are formed against connective tissue. In this type of arthritis there is destruction of joint surfaces.

Secrets to Training Older Dogs | How to Train Older Dogs

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