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Dog Behavior Training

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When dealing with dog behaviour problems, there are many methods one can apply. The use of proper training to rectify dog behaviour problems is a method that has proven very effective.

To get the best out of dog behaviour training, you should first start by finding out what causes the dog to act the way he does.

If the problem is aggression, then before you start training you should understand where this behaviour steps from. Is it fear aggression, food aggression?

When you understand the cause, it will help you know how best to train the dog. Depending on the cause, dog behaviour training will vary from dog to dog.

Dog behaviour problems such as excessive barking, separation anxiety, soiling the house and aggression towards strangers can be brought under control with proper measures. A well trained dog is a gem both to you and those around you as they are predictable and can be trusted around people.

In behaviour training, basic obedience is usually taught to dogs. This helps to introduce a line of communication between you and your dog. Sometimes, unfavourable behaviour is the result of broken lines of communication, that is, your dog doesn’t understand the commands or cues you give. Once these lines are established, you can move to more advanced training.

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Dog behaviour training requires consistency. As the dog’s owner or handler, you should never give the dog mixed signals especially when it comes to behaviour problems. Be clear in showing the dog the expected behaviour.

At times, you may unintentionally compliment a dog for bad behaviour, for example, a dog may perform some undesirable actions to get your attention. Instead of responding by turning away, you pat the dog on the head to calm him down. In such a case the dog is bound to repeat the behaviour in future because he thinks it will get him your attention.

Training should be done regularly, To get good results from behaviour training, it is vital that you have a constant person handling the dog. If the dog belongs to you, and you are going to be spending time with him then it is only natural that you are the one who accompanies the dog to training. As much as the dog is your companion, it is necessary to establish early in training that you are boss.

Be assertive when giving the dog a command. Commands should not be repeated twice, give the dog once in a clear and firm. If the dog jumps on you then you can tell him “stop” or “sit.”

The success of dog behaviour training is largely dependent on how committed you are to helping your dog. Ensure that you make helping your dog a priority. The faster you get your dog help, the easier it will be for you to get your dog to behave accordingly.

Punishing bad behaviour in dogs may only cause the dog to behave worse. Scolding a dog or yelling at him is confusing to the dog and causes them to be more anxious. If you are not there when the dog does something wrong, then let it pass. You will have another chance to correct it.

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Dog Behavior Training | How to Correct Dog Behaviour | Dog Behavior Lessons :

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  2. Understanding Dog Separation Anxiety
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  5. Dealing with Food Aggression in Dogs
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  6. How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Food off the Table
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  7. How to Stop Dogs Being Rough with Children
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  8. How to Stop Your Dog from Chasing Cats
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Dog Aggression

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