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Dog Behavioural Problems

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There are several common dog problems which are observed in many dogs and are cause for worry for many owners.

Some of these problems pose dangers for owners and those surrounding them as well as other animals. Such problems may include aggression and biting which may result in injury.

Some problems while not potentially dangerous are very irritating and cause the owners a great deal of embarrassment such as soiling in unwanted areas and jumping on people. Dog problems are attributed to many things including improper socialisation of the dog, mixed signals during training, overly dominant dogs that have a mind of their own.

The common behaviour problems seen in dogs are:

Excessive barking

Excessive barking can be control with good behaviour training. You can also use citronella collars or shock collars to dissuade your dog from barking too much.

Biting and nipping

Dogs like to chew. Some do it out of boredom while for others it is merely to exercise their teeth. If this problem is ignored the dog becomes more destructive with time. Offer the dog alternative things to chew that are acceptable compared to your shoes, clothes or hands. Do not encourage the dog to play rough, if the play becomes rough then stop playing and leave the dog to calm down. For an indepth look on puppy chewing problems, check out our earlier written article on that.

Aggression (fear/food)

An aggressive dog is easy to recognize because of his body posture and other signs the dog give. An aggressive dog will growl and snap at people or other dogs, ears are may be erect or folded back and the hair at the back is raised.

Aggression is usually a triggered by something. To solve aggression issues you need to identify the trigger.

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If you live in an apartment, this may not be such a big problem since the dog has no place to dig. Some dogs will however take any opportunity given to them to dig anywhere and everywhere. This may be as a result of boredom or lack of exercise.

Keep your dog busy by providing him with toys, you can also buy pads and put them in places where the dog loves to dig. After a few minutes of unsuccessful digging your dog is bound to move to something else.

Ensure the dog gets enough exercise so that some of that energy is put to good use.

Soiling unwanted places

This may be due to lack of proper potty training, improper cleaning of places the dog has previously soiled causing the dog to go back to the same place or submissive urination. In some rare cases this problems could be a case of urinary incontinence, this is usually a problem in older dogs.

Separation anxiety

This is mostly common in puppies, the puppy is so attached and dependent on you they cannot stay in a room when you are not there. A dog with separation anxiety may because a lot of delays especially since you may have to spend a lot of time calming the dog down before you leave.

This behaviour should be discouraged when the dog is still young. Do not spend so much time with the puppy, let the dog get some time on his own. Avoid paying attention to the dog when he whines or howls because you have left the room. To break this habit you can start by leaving the room for a few minutes and closing the door behind you so the dog doesn’t follow you.

Below are some common dog problems that most owners will come across. Check them out for useful dog training tips on how to correct your dog’s behavioural problems.

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Common Dog Problems | Dog Issues | Dog Behavioural Problems:

  1. How to Prevent Your Dog Jumping on People
    They're excited, they're happy to see new people, and they've got a huge vertical leap. Dogs are made to jump and when they want to do it, it can seem next to impossible to stop them from getting up in the faces of your friends and family.
  2. How to Stop Your Dog Jumping on the Couch
    Once upon a time, I had a dog that refused to stop jumping on the couch. I taught him well enough to stay off the couch when I was home, but the second I went to bed or left the front door, I could hear the jingle of his collar as he jumped up into his favourite spot....
  3. Dogs And Separation Anxiety
    Dogs with separation anxiety will show their distress at being left alone by barking trying to scratch the door or window.
  4. Dog Digging Problem | Dog Digging Solutions
    If you find your dog digging excessively, there is great chance of a dog digging problem. Find out how you can solve dog digging under the fence and deter your dog from digging holes.
  5. How to Stop Your Dog Digging Under the Fence
    Digging is a whole lot of fun for your dog. Not only is it one of those things that he is born to do - like chewing or barking - but it's a great way to pass the time and it is incredibly physically therapeutic.
  6. How to Stop a Dog from Digging in Your Lawn
    There are some dog behaviours that tend to transcend others in terms of how frustrating and angering they can be. Digging is one of those behaviours - a major problem for many dog owners with yards.
  7. Understanding Fear Aggression in Dogs
    Dogs that display fear aggression will growl and bark when they find themselves in situations that make them afraid.
  8. Dog Begging Problem | Stop Dog Begging For Food
    Learn how you can stop your dog begging for food at the table and solve dog begging problems with these simple tactics.
  9. Dog Chewing Problems | Stop Dog Chewing
    Puppies love to chew when they are teething to ease the discomfort. In dogs however, chewing may be due to reasons such as the dog being bored, to exercise his teeth, or just out of anxiety.
  10. Dog Aggression Problem
    While aggression is a natural responses to several things in the dog’s environment, it is also a very serious problems for dog that dog owners have to deal with as soon as possible.
  11. Dog Separation Anxiety | How to Deal With Dog Separation Anxiety
    Dogs with separation anxiety may cry, howl, bark and scratch at the door or windows when they are separated with the owner. Such dogs will be very destructive when left unsupervised in the house.
  12. How to Deal with Noise Phobia in Dogs
    This is a fairly common problem and may lead to injury of the dog as he tries to escape and may cause dogs to show fear responses such as biting if you try to prevent them from escaping.
  13. Stop Your Dog's Chewing Habit With Bully Sticks
    There could be many reasons why your dog has picked up a chewing habit. Figuring out the reason behind the chewing will determine how you can stop the behavior.

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