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Curb Puppy Submissive Urination

Submissive urination is usually displayed by puppies in an attempt to show complete submission to someone they think is superior to them.

Most times, submissive urination will occur as an involuntary process in cases where the puppy feels threatened or intimidated. They may do so in presence of human beings or even in presence of other dogs that makes them feel intimidated.

When dealing with this type of behaviour, it is essential that you first find the cause of the problem.

In which situations does your dog display submissive urination? Who is the person(s) that the puppy views as a threat? Submissive urination is most times accompanied by behaviours such as rolling over, tucking tail in between the legs and folding back of the ears.

When you had understood what caused the problem, you can devise how best to approach the problem. In some cases, you may be just dealing with an extremely timid puppy. In such a case, engaging in activities that will help boost the puppy’s confidence is advised.

Ensure that when approaching the puppy, you do so in a way that does not intimidate the puppy. If possible, avoid making eye contact with the puppy.

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If the puppy displays this kind of behaviour when greeted, you can help minimise the anxiety of the puppy by not greeting him head first. Instead get down to the puppy’s level, by squatting or kneeling and if you have to sit down. The height difference can be intimidating for some puppies.

Never ever punish a dog for showing submissive urination. Doing this only makes the problem worse since you prove to the puppy that there is reason to be afraid. Petting a puppy that has shown submissive urination may translate to good behaviour encouraging the puppy to repeat this. Thus do not cuddle or pet the puppy.

Do not shout at the puppy or speak in a loud voice, you can also avoid making loud noises such as banging the door or suddenly turning the volume up. These sounds may be unfamiliar to your puppy and only frighten him more. When speaking use a calm but firm voice.

Let the puppy get out and explore the outside world. You may take him to the park to play, chances are he will run into other dogs and they can interact in a fun and comfortable setting. Letting your dog spend time with other people will also help lessen any doubts and fears about strange things. This may also aid in curbing submissive urination in puppies.

When you come home, ignore the puppy for some time. Let the puppy get used to the idea of you being around before trying to greet him. By doing this, you help to gradually ease the puppy to a more relaxed state. This is of benefit especially to those whose puppies are more likely to show submissive urination when being greeted.

You may help boost your puppy’s confidence by enrolling him in a obedience training class. This is also a good way to help put a stop to submissive urination.

If the problem persists, you can always have the dog checked for any medical problems that he might be suffering from.

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