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Dog Training Hand Signals: The Alternative To Verbal Commands

Instructing your pet dog to recognize and obey certain basic commands can be a tricky task. As a matter of fact, majority of pet owners who opt to train their pets required some help at one point or another.

Some resorted to books and other instructional materials. There are others who actually sought the help of a professional dog trainer specifically for the purpose of providing guidance and training to their pet dogs.

The information that most pet owners derives from these books or trainers, more often than not, points to verbal commands as the basic dog training method.

Unknown to them is this new technique to which can be used to relay instructions to their pet dog called dog training hand signals which if used properly can be an effective tool in training dogs to learn new tricks.

While using dog training hand signals may be effective this is not to imply that the application of verbal commands should be put aside. Ideally, these two methods of instruction your pet dog should complement each other. Thus, hand signals should help amplify verbal commands and vice versa. They are not meant to exist exclusive of each other.

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Here are some of the dog training hand signals which have been proven to be effective especially when they are complemented by hand signals:

1. Stay put. To teach your dog how to stay put using hand signals, the first thing that you need to do is to extend your hand fronting the head of your dog with your palm wide open. Your hand should be positioned as if you are telling your pet to halt. You can also verbalize the command as you execute the hand signals.

2. Get down. This probably the easiest command to teach by using hand signals. All that you need to do is to gently descend your hand or you could simply direct your one of your fingers to the surface beneath.

3. Come over. There are many variations when it comes to teaching this command through the use of hand signals. The more popular way to do this is to face your pet dog up front, then look your pet in the eye, then slowly extend your arms and beckon your dog to come to you. 

You could vary the speed at which you beckon your pet to move to your direction. When you are already confident that your dog is able to execute your instructions, you may increase the speed.

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