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Doggie Dynamics: Potty Training Your Pooch

Nothing distresses a dog owner more than the thought that he is going to find a fresh pile on a rug she just cleaned.

A dog that has not been potty trained has to be constantly under supervision - since every moment the dog disappears from your sight, you have no idea what you will find the next time you seat on the chair or look at your welcome home rag.

To avoid such problems, you should start potty training once you take the puppy home as soon as possible.

Though in the beginning, there are still going to be accidents as your dog slowly learns where to eliminate and where not to, you are laying the groundwork for an obedient pet in the future.

When potty training your pooch, it is essential that you understand that depending on their age, there are variations in the bowel and bladder capacity in different dogs. Puppies have a limited capacity to hold it in but this strengthens with age. When young puppies will need to eliminate every 1-2hrs, adult dogs have a very good capacity to hold it in and will normally stay around 5-6hrs before they need to eliminate.

There are various methods you can use to potty train your pooch:

Paper training

This is where the dog is trained to eliminate on paper which is normally laid out in layers in a specific part of the house. Start out initially with a big area covered with paper. Any time the dog needs to eliminate, the dog should be taken to the paper until he eliminates.

Praise your dog for eliminating in the right spot. As the dogs becomes more used to using the paper, you can reduce the area covered with paper gradually till only a small portion is left covered.

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Crate training

This is the best method to ensure that a dog has not been potty trained behaves himself when you are not around. The crate will act as the dog’s living quarters. Due to the size of the crate, the dog is usually reluctant to soil his space and will keep this place clean. Dogs that are crated would in this case need to be taken to the designate potty area at set times.

Litter boxes or doggy pads

These are good for use in small dogs living inside the house. They ensure that the you do not have to take your dog outside when they need to potty. Training your dog to use the litter box or doggy pad is done in the same way as paper training, that is, every time the dogs need to eliminate they are placed in the litter box or doggy pad.


- Pick a designate spot where you will take your pooch every time they need to go potty

- In case your pooch makes a mess in any other place other than the designate spot, clean up the area well, using deodorants to ensure that any odour is effectively cleared.

- Do not punish your dog when they make a mess and always be generous with rewards or compliments when your dog goes to potty in the right area.

- Dogs should be taken to eliminate after feeding, after play and after sleep since at this time the there is a higher need to eliminate.

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