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Leash Training for Dogs

This is one of the most basic things your dog has to learn. Leash training should ideally begin when the dog is young.

However, some dogs may grow up without having ever been on a leash and have to be trained as adults.

Teaching your dog to walk while on a leash not only keeps your dog safe but will also help you to maintain control over your dog.

Most beginner classes for dog training will include a session on leash training for dogs.

Beginner leash training basics

Put yourself in the dog’s place, what would your reaction be if someone put something foreign on your neck and started pulling?

Dogs will not like the idea of collars especially a leash. Puppies may paw at the collar and attempt to pull it off using their forelegs or they may roll over in hope the collar slips off. Help your dogs get used to the idea by placing a light collar and letting the dog have a feel. You may help a puppy get used to the leash by first attaching it to the collar and letting the puppy run around in it.

Later you can attach a leash to the collar. Do not pull if the dog refuses to move, hold the leash loosely you may encourage the dog to walk beside you using treats. On the other hand, some dogs will get excited when the leash is put on and may tug and pull in anticipation of the outing ahead.

Do not encourage this behaviour, instead stand still and wait till the dog has calmed down and is relaxed. Then you can start walking again.

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Older dogs that have received some other training should be leash trained using the basic commands. To place the leash on the dog, you can command the dog to “come.” When attaching the leash ask the dog to “sit.” When the leash is securely attached you can tell the dog “heel” to start your walk or run.

There are many benefits of leash training for dogs. It will help ensure the dog doesn’t run out toward traffic and also keeps the people around you safe since you can comfortably keep the dog under control.

Some dogs may not react well to leash training; some may act aggressive if you attempt to put a collar on them. It is easy to lose your patience especially when in a hurry. During these times, remember to keep calm. Do not shout at or punish the dog. Instead give firm and consistent commands. Reward the dog for obeying the command.

Make leash training a painless experience for your dog by investing in a good collar and a leash. When purchasing a dog collar, go for one with an extra loop to keep your dog from slipping out when he tugs. Leashes come in different materials.

Go for one that is easy on your hands, one that doesn’t rub excessively against your skin and has a good grip. You can get a leash that is of fixed size or you can go for one whose length can be adjusted to suit your preference.

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